Events with English speaking guest teachers in Copenhagen in 2024:

”Awakening as the Aware Self is one fundamental and essential part of the journey. The other part is maturing spiritually in daily life. Here is where we learn that, ultimately, Awareness itself has little meaning until it is in service to Love". - Richard Moss
Awareness, love and inner transformation
Evening- and weekend-seminar with Richard Moss August 30 – September 01 in Copenhagen. 4-hours’ seminar on the Mandala of Being August 29
Richard Moss, M.D., is a highly respected spiritual teacher and author of several books, including ”The Mandala of Being” and ”Inside-Out Healing”. This coming August he will come back to Copenhagen to teach an evening- and a weekend-seminar.
Richard's work integrates spirituality and depth psychology, and he is known for his insightful and deeply inspiring way of teaching that have touched thousands of people from around the world. To spend time with Richard is an opportunity for gaining a new and expanded perspective on one's life and challenges and to open the door to the deeper potential of one's own consciousness. Richards speaks and teaches in response to the energy and needs that arise in each moment. Therefore every seminar or retreat with him is a new and fresh experience even though there is ”a red thread” that runs through all of his work.
Here is what you can expect:
- tools and support to letting go of self-sabotaging stories and beliefs, and finding your way back to your true, authentic self.
- learn how to live with an open heart - with more trust in life even when you face challenges or crisis in your relationship to other people, to the world at large, or to the changing circumstances in your life.
- discover how your relationships, especially close relationships, can become a path of spiritual and human growth towards a deepening experience of intimacy with all of life.
- get inspiration to lift your level of energy and consciousness and refine your meditative or spiritual practice.
Program in Copenhagen:
Evening-talk with Richard Moss: Friday August 30, 19 – 21.30 in Phendeling, Nørregade 7B (in the courtyard), Copenhagen K. Early bird price DKK (Danish kroner) 230 by registration before May 1. Regular price after May 1: DKK 290. Registration and further information:
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Weekend-seminar/workshop: Saturday August 31, 10.30 – 17.30, and Sunday September 1, 10.30 – 16.30. The seminar takes place at Det Åbne Rum, Østbanegade 13, 2100 Copenhagen Ø. Just by Østerport S-train and metro Station. Please note that this is not the same location as for the talk Friday evening. Early bird price by registration before May 1 DKK 1580. Regular price after May 1: DKK 1880. Total price for both evening- and weekend-seminar: Early bird price - DKK 1730. Regular price from May 1 - DKK 1980. Registration and further information:
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There will be a lunch break of 90 minutes Saturday and Sunday. You can either bring your own food or have lunch at one of the many cafés or restaurants nearby. There will also be shorter tea breaks (10 – 15 minutes) during the day.
Mandala of Being seminar:
The Mandala of Being is a profound tool for self-exploration and inner transformation developed by Richard Moss. In this afternoon workshop you will learn how to use this valuable tool to transform difficult emotions and ultimately to go beyond the stories of the conceptual mind to a new level of heightened well being and awareness. The workshop is open to everyone, but is especially helpful if you are working with people as a therapist, coach, meditation-, mindfulness- or yoga-teacher etc.
Time, place and price: Thursday August 29, 14.30 – 18.30, in Phendeling, Nørregade 7B (in the courtyard), Copenhagen K. 7 minutes’ walk from Nørreport S-train and metro station. Early bird price by registration before May 1 DKK 570. Regular price from May 1 DKK 720. There will be a tea break of 20 minutes around halfway through the seminar.
Registration and further information:
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Quantum Seminars - vision and purpose
A contemporary approach to human and spiritual growth
Quantum Seminars is an educational organisation promoting the understanding and experience of the profound potential of human consciousness. We wish to help people find their own inner strength and to live and act in accordance with their deepest truth.
We are not bound by any particular teaching or ideology, but draw our inspiration from many different sources. Spirituality in its essence is timeless and universal. However, the same spiritual essence is expressed and communicated differently at different times and places according to the changing evolutionary tendencies and needs.
We have a deep respect for the great spiritual wisdom traditions in the world - eastern as well as western - and without doubt we have much to learn from these. At the same time we understand that man today is living under completely different circumstances than at any previous time in history. Therefore we need a fresh and contemporary approach to human and spiritual growth. We have to rediscover and recreate a living, authentic spirituality capable of meeting the unique challenges that are present in our time and society.
Today many significant and broad-minded teachers have appeared - teachers who are pioneers of such a contemporary approach to spirituality. They each bring their own individual contribution to a beautifully expanding mosaic of human wisdom.
We at Quantum Seminars feel very fortunate to be in contact with some of these outstanding pioneers, whom we are now presenting in Scandinavia. We wish that you will benefit from their presence and get new inspiration and tools for your further growth and development. First of all we wish that you may be inspired to express your own unique qualities even more and to bring your special contribution to our collective growth process. - Svend Trier, director
Quantum Seminars has organised events in Denmark since 1994. Our programs have included:
- Lectures and seminars with leading teachers and writers in the field of spirituality and self-development, holistic health, transpersonal psychology etc. These have included Eckhart Tolle, Kim Eng, Rupert Spira, Richard Moss, Catherine Ingram, Deepak Chopra, Byron Katie, Wayne Dyer, Swami Atmananda Udasin, Brother David Steindl-Rast, Caroline Myss, Leonard Jacobson, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Genpo Roshi, Sat Shree, Shakti Gawain, Stanislav Grof, Neale Donald Walsch, Faisal Muqqadam, Peter Russell, Gangaji & Eli Jaxon-Bear, Dan Millman, John Welwood, David Deida, Peter Levine, Marshall Rosenberg, Deva Premal & Miten, Krishna Das etc.
- Travel with focus on personal and spiritual growth
- Courses in meditation, yoga and Dharma-seminars.
- Meditative concerts, festivals, and conferences with focus on development of individual and collective consciousness, enlightened leadership, health, education and quality of life. How do we express our deepest values and growing spirituality in a social, cultural and global context?
How to register and pay for seminars and workshops
To register for an event please send an email to:
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and transfer your payment in danish kroner directly to our bank account in Denmark. Sorry, we do not take any creditcard payments. Name of Bank: Danske Bank. Adress of bank: Danske Bank, Holmens Afdeling, Holmens Kanal 2, 1092 Copenhagen K, Denmark. Account number: 4001-16633984. Swift-code to be used with wire transfers from countries outside Denmark: DABADKKK. IBAN number to be used when transferring payment from most other European countries: DK6230000016633984. Owner of bank account: Svend Trier, Bolandsvej 10, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark.
Please note: With payments from outside of Denmark please add 50 danish kroner to the amount that you have to pay. Any fee for the transfer to be paid to your bank has to be paid by you. Fee to our bank in Denmark for receiving the transfer will be paid by us. We advise you to register as early as possible. Please remember to give your name and email-adress, as well as dates for the events, together with the bank transfer, so that we can identify the sender and the event(s) that you are registering for. (If it is not possible to include this information with the transfer, then please send us a mail and tell us which date you made the transfer).
When we have received payment we will send you an email confirming your registration.
Cancellation policies: If you cancel up to 3 weeks before the event we will refund ½ of the seminar fee. After that time there will generally be no refund. For evening and afternoon events there is no refund. If Quantum Seminars for some reason beyond our control, and contrary to any expectations, have to cancel an event, we will refund your full payment of the seminar fee minus a bank transfer fee of 50 danish kroner that we have to pay to transfer payment to a bank outside Denmark. However, we are not liable for any other expenses you may have incurred - including, but not limited to expenses for airfare and other forms of transportation, accomodation, bank fees to your bank for transferring or receiving payment etc.
Hotel information and booking: You can book a hotel room or a bed & breakfast place in central Copenhagen through your local travel agency, or through or Our hotel recommendations are: Hotel Babette Guldsmeden, Ascot Hotel, Hotel Kong Arthur, or Ibsens Hotel, but there are many other good choices. We advise you to book your hotel room as early as possible.
For further information, and for registration:
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